The next net will be tonight at 9pm Eastern time on the 20 meter band. We will be on or near 14.320. The conditions were great last night when Bob KI4HEE and myself Dave W4DMH talked from around 9pm to 10pm. With a little luck the band conditions will be good, so come join the fun for the second weekly 20 meter American Preppers Radio Net. We are looking for anyone that would like to help in other areas of the country relay's for this net.
HELP WANTED - The pay is lousy but the reward is a bunch of fun
We need stations with way over legal limit power and monster beam antennas
No I'm just kidding but it would be really nice to find someone to help with this net that was west of the Mississippi that has some power and a beam antenna that is willing to help relay or to function as a net control operator
If you fit this description and would like to be part of a new net that is focusing on fellowship among other Amateur Radio Operators please contact me for more info.
73 Dave W4DMH
ReplyDeleteI love the picture my xyl saw it and said he must really know you LOL