Following on the heels of last weeks successful Ham Radio Net, The American Preppers Network will take to the air again Thursday night, July 23rd at 9 PM EST., on 14.320 MHz. in the 20 Meter Band.
The 20 Meter band's conditions were pretty good last week as attested by the Google Map Hawk KI4HEE posted in an article covering last weeks net. With 10 total check-ins that ranged from New Hampshire, well into northern Texas , the fledgling radio net established a reliable communications network that covered the majority of the continental US. Not bad for first-timers.
With a mind toward finding a set location within the Ham Radio Bands for a continued presence, the APN is still getting it's sea legs and will be calling the net on a variety of frequencies in coming weeks, Be sure to check back here for weekly updates.
While 14.320 MHz. may or may not become a regular frequency for the net, we should be on it or close to it this Thursday Night 9 PM EST.

SWL listeners please log the time, your location, received signal strength, and a brief description of what you received, or checked-in call sign heard.
Being that this is a new net, there are still problems to be worked out. APN Communications Committee Chairman Dave, W4DMH says that along with determining a set schedule and operating frequency, the most pressing concern is manpower, "Anyone that wants to help out, particularly ham operators who can participate as a net control, please contact me for more info and a net preamble script. We will gladly consider any and all help that anyone wants to offer." he added, "By all means, do not hesitate to check-in Thursday night."
It should be noted that the two ham operators most actively involved in this net, W4DMH & KI4HEE, are both located along the East Coast, the hunt is on for Ham Operators west of the Mississippi willing to help make this net possible.
As the American Preppers Network grows, it is our hope that more & more people will gain exposure to the ideas of individualism, self-reliance and independence. All hallmarks much needed in these times.
Join the net, Thursday, July 23rd 9PM EST on or around 14.320 MHz, and as always...
“No Experience Necessary”
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