Monday, November 23, 2009
This actually dovetails nicely with Santa's "Life Lessons Series" Part 4.
Last night while preparing for the 160m meter net, a bunch of operators were on the 1.860 frequency having a very nice ragchew session. They are regulars since the 160m band opened up and they are always very gracious when I ask if I can have the frequency at 9pm for the net. It was no different last night except for one operator that expressed his opinion on our project and the whole Prepper movement in general. It was not directed at me, nor was it nasty or out of line, it was his opinion and he is certainly entitled to it. To kind of condense his thoughts, I'll just say he was calling us a bunch of "Chicken Littles". I thought about this and here are my thoughts....
This operator is, I'm afraid, the norm, rather than the exception. He has lived his life his own way probably not paying a whole lot of attention to things outside his immediate world. When he does pay attention to the news of the day, it has been trimmed and slanted as the Media is so inclined to do. I feel bad for folks like this. It is the goal of this movement and others like it to wake people up. Santa's post lays it out nicely. So read it a couple of times to let it sink in and get to work!!!! There is much to do, we have to be ready WHEN, not IF things get troublesome!!!!!!!!!
Dave K7DLB
Last night while preparing for the 160m meter net, a bunch of operators were on the 1.860 frequency having a very nice ragchew session. They are regulars since the 160m band opened up and they are always very gracious when I ask if I can have the frequency at 9pm for the net. It was no different last night except for one operator that expressed his opinion on our project and the whole Prepper movement in general. It was not directed at me, nor was it nasty or out of line, it was his opinion and he is certainly entitled to it. To kind of condense his thoughts, I'll just say he was calling us a bunch of "Chicken Littles". I thought about this and here are my thoughts....
This operator is, I'm afraid, the norm, rather than the exception. He has lived his life his own way probably not paying a whole lot of attention to things outside his immediate world. When he does pay attention to the news of the day, it has been trimmed and slanted as the Media is so inclined to do. I feel bad for folks like this. It is the goal of this movement and others like it to wake people up. Santa's post lays it out nicely. So read it a couple of times to let it sink in and get to work!!!! There is much to do, we have to be ready WHEN, not IF things get troublesome!!!!!!!!!
Dave K7DLB
Life's Lessons Part 4 APRN Goals
Life's Lessons Part 4
I have enjoyed sharing with you this series of post on how and why the APRN was born and I hope you have enjoyed getting to know just a little about me and how this all happened. Next, I want to share the main goals we have here at the APRN and coming soon I will try to share some of the plans we have in the works to help accomplish the goals listed here.
The goals of the APRN
1. To have established nets run at least 3 nights per week
2. To help educate people that are either new to Ham radio or that are just learning what Ham radio has to offer them.
3. To demonstrate just how functional Ham radio is for communications needs with no grid support at all and also just how versatile the hobby can be with very limited grid support.
4. To be prepared to assist with any need for communications during an emergency or disaster, and to be on the air to help provide communications in the event of a failure of the grid supported forms of communication.
5. To help with educating people of the importance of being prepared to provide for themselves in the event of any type of emergency, rather it be a natural disaster or a man made event that would disrupt the way we live or normal lives.
This is just an outline of the major goals of the APRN and while there may well be more in the future, this will give you some idea about why we are here. If anyone here reading has any ideas or suggestions please use the email contact on the right side of this page.
73 for now
Dave aka Santa
Copyright © 2009
I have enjoyed sharing with you this series of post on how and why the APRN was born and I hope you have enjoyed getting to know just a little about me and how this all happened. Next, I want to share the main goals we have here at the APRN and coming soon I will try to share some of the plans we have in the works to help accomplish the goals listed here.
The goals of the APRN
1. To have established nets run at least 3 nights per week
2. To help educate people that are either new to Ham radio or that are just learning what Ham radio has to offer them.
3. To demonstrate just how functional Ham radio is for communications needs with no grid support at all and also just how versatile the hobby can be with very limited grid support.
4. To be prepared to assist with any need for communications during an emergency or disaster, and to be on the air to help provide communications in the event of a failure of the grid supported forms of communication.
5. To help with educating people of the importance of being prepared to provide for themselves in the event of any type of emergency, rather it be a natural disaster or a man made event that would disrupt the way we live or normal lives.
This is just an outline of the major goals of the APRN and while there may well be more in the future, this will give you some idea about why we are here. If anyone here reading has any ideas or suggestions please use the email contact on the right side of this page.
73 for now
Dave aka Santa
Copyright © 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What a GREAT Discussion on 160 meter!!!!!!

The APRN 160m net was jumping tonite!!!! The topic was changed at the last minute and we moved into a BIG discussion on the Swine Flu shot program. We found that thoughts and opinions were varied. Everybody had their reasons for getting or not getting the shots and those reasons were well founded. It seems that most folks really dug into the research and made some educated decisions!!!!!Thanks to all that checked in tonite and be sure to check in next week, same time, same frequency!!!!!
Tonites Check ins:
NW8I Del, OH
W4DMH Dave, WV
W3ATM Bill, PA New Check in, THANKS!!!!
N8HHG Paul, OH New Check in, THANKS!!!!
K2IPX Bill, NY New Check in, THANKS!!!!
AC0BG Dean, IA
PS: Have a happy Thanksgiving and if you are traveling, PLEASE be careful and have a safe trip!!!!!
The APRN 160 meter net tonite is............
.......Wide open for discussion!!!! Ha!!! Tonite K7DLB will throw the doors to the APRN 160m net wide open for anybody to come in and participate. The discussion tonite will be "What direction do you see Ham Radio going in the next 10 years??". There have been a lot of changes lately, some good, some not so good. We started to touch on this last week with the Morse Code topic. So, tune in and join K7DLB at 0200UTC(9pm Eastern) on 1.860LSB and lets talk it up!!!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
We need a Net Control operator for 80m Thursday nite net!!!

Del, NW8I is the victim of a fierce line noise problem that takes him out of the 80m game. Until he finds the problem, we need a new net control operator for that position. If you are interested in picking up that net please click the E-mail button and let us know!!! It is not that hard!!! You do not necessarily have to run a topic every week if you would like to just run a general discussion net. I do have 1 operator interested but I'm not sure if he can do it each week due to other net commitments.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The 80 meter net is all crossed up!!!

Yup, Del, NW8I has his fingers, toes and eyes crossed so tonite his crazy noise level doesn't return!!! As busy as 8om has been lately Del is going to get the net up and running at 0200utc(9pm eastern) on 3.961LSB or somewhere close. IF he's not there try 3.983LSB or who knows, maybe he'll be playing Follow the Net Control Operator to see who can keep up!!!! We certainly hope you can join in tonite and get in on some good converstation!!!!!!
Ham radio 101
I am going to start posting some things that everyone interested in Ham Radio will need to learn. I hope that this will help those wanting to get there ticket.(License)
Ham operators have a language they use that many do not know, I will be trying to help you understand what you hear on the airwaves over the next couple of weeks.
Lesson one is going to be the internationally recognized phonetic alphabet. A good use for this other than Ham radio is when you talk with those customer service or tech support people. They are always fumbling for words to spell with phonetically and it throws them for a loop when you spell things back to them with ease using this.
1 = ONE
2 = TWO
4 = FOUR
6 = SIX
0 = ZERO
The words in parentheses are the pronunciation or the alternate pronunciations for the words or numbers, but you will hear both used. With the letter Z, (ZED) is by far the most commonly used. With the number 9, NINER is the most common and easiest to understand ON THE AIR.
One more thing I will cover today is the use of 73 (best wishes) normally followed by either the persons call sign or de (from) then there call sign.
73 W4DMH or 73 de W4DMH
This would be;
Best wishes radio station W4DMH
Best wishes from radio station W4DMH
There you have the first lesson. Learn it and have fun with it the next time you need it with a call to TECH SUPPORT you will love it.
73 To All
Dave aka Santa
Copyright © 2009
Ham operators have a language they use that many do not know, I will be trying to help you understand what you hear on the airwaves over the next couple of weeks.
Lesson one is going to be the internationally recognized phonetic alphabet. A good use for this other than Ham radio is when you talk with those customer service or tech support people. They are always fumbling for words to spell with phonetically and it throws them for a loop when you spell things back to them with ease using this.
1 = ONE
2 = TWO
4 = FOUR
6 = SIX
0 = ZERO
The words in parentheses are the pronunciation or the alternate pronunciations for the words or numbers, but you will hear both used. With the letter Z, (ZED) is by far the most commonly used. With the number 9, NINER is the most common and easiest to understand ON THE AIR.
One more thing I will cover today is the use of 73 (best wishes) normally followed by either the persons call sign or de (from) then there call sign.
73 W4DMH or 73 de W4DMH
This would be;
Best wishes radio station W4DMH
Best wishes from radio station W4DMH
There you have the first lesson. Learn it and have fun with it the next time you need it with a call to TECH SUPPORT you will love it.
73 To All
Dave aka Santa
Copyright © 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Ham Radio 101
I would like to share with our readers today that are either new to ham radio or that are not ham radio operators yet. If you are a prepper and do not plan to become a ham but listen to short wave this may help you as well.
CQ or as it is normally used CQ CQ CQ Normally next you will hear the operator say what band they are on such as 10 meter or 20 meter etc. then followed by there call sign then more often than not CQ CQ then QRZ
CQ - means I wish to contact any amateur station
QRZ - Means Who is calling me and spoken Q R ZED
Now lets cover some more of the common slang you may hear and not understand.
73 or 73's - This stand's for best wishes or best regards
88 or 88's - Hugs and Kisses
Now let me warn you there is a never ending quarrel over having the 's after the number. Well that will continue forever so I do not pay much attention to that.
XYL - Wife
YL - Young Lady (any women that is not married or commonly a girlfriend)
OM - Old Man (A common term like calling another operator a friend)
OT - Old Timer or someone that has been a Ham for a long time
LID - Used to describe a poor operator (using bad habits or being annoying)
HI HI - Laughing (like LOL on a computer)
Ticket - Your Ham license
Machine - A repeater
Rig - Your radio
DX - Long distance normally referred to as communication with a different country
QRM - Interference
QSB - Signals are fading
QSL - Used like saying that you understand what was said or you copy what was said
QSY - Changing frequency
QTH - Where you are located (My QTH is ________ county West Virginia)
This is just a small list but they are some of the most common. If you are a prepper and or new to ham radio please come back often for more info on ham radio and being prepared.
Stay tuned more to come soon
Copyright © 2009
CQ or as it is normally used CQ CQ CQ Normally next you will hear the operator say what band they are on such as 10 meter or 20 meter etc. then followed by there call sign then more often than not CQ CQ then QRZ
CQ - means I wish to contact any amateur station
QRZ - Means Who is calling me and spoken Q R ZED
Now lets cover some more of the common slang you may hear and not understand.
73 or 73's - This stand's for best wishes or best regards
88 or 88's - Hugs and Kisses
Now let me warn you there is a never ending quarrel over having the 's after the number. Well that will continue forever so I do not pay much attention to that.
XYL - Wife
YL - Young Lady (any women that is not married or commonly a girlfriend)
OM - Old Man (A common term like calling another operator a friend)
OT - Old Timer or someone that has been a Ham for a long time
LID - Used to describe a poor operator (using bad habits or being annoying)
HI HI - Laughing (like LOL on a computer)
Ticket - Your Ham license
Machine - A repeater
Rig - Your radio
DX - Long distance normally referred to as communication with a different country
QRM - Interference
QSB - Signals are fading
QSL - Used like saying that you understand what was said or you copy what was said
QSY - Changing frequency
QTH - Where you are located (My QTH is ________ county West Virginia)
This is just a small list but they are some of the most common. If you are a prepper and or new to ham radio please come back often for more info on ham radio and being prepared.
Stay tuned more to come soon
Copyright © 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Life’s Lessons Part 3
Life’s Lessons Part 3
Being a talker and not a writer.
I want to share with you today how this site you are reading came about. If you have not read all of this series please start with part one to understand the entire story.
I have read a lot about being prepared to survive long term over many years of seeking to learn more about all the ways to do that. Since I am a talker not a writer I have never shared a lot with others via the internet. I got very involved with the sharing of information over the internet in February of 2009. The one thing that has always stuck out in my mind over the years is how many times people have tried to join together over the air via radio. It seems to me that no one ever really tried hard enough or for long enough to get people coming to one place to have a reliable form of communication if all of the grid supported forms were not working. The other thing that stuck in my mind is there were just so many different places that people gathered on the internet and shared information that we needed one place to all come and talk.
I talked to a close friend that is like minded and also a ham about this back in the last part of February 2009. I explained what my goal was and the reply that I remember was that is a lofty goal my friend, now let’s see if you can make it happen. Over a period of several months we again talked about it many times and some ideas were born from those talks. Around that time another friend got interested in this idea and we proceeded. As we spread the word a few more people got interested and we moved forward in creating what you see now. If it were not for several people putting in a lot of effort this would have never become what it is today.
The main focus that I have put in here is getting people from every place there is on the internet to come join us here in a joint effort to spread the word of what being a prepper is. I saw it this way, the word prepper is much more likely to attract new people into this by means of it being a much more kind and gentle way of describing what we are. Many people throughout this entire community have other words they use to describe themselves but when it comes right down to it we can all agree that preparing for whatever is the main ingredient to what we all do.
My focus from the very beginning was to see this some day become a word used world wide to attract new people to the idea of being more prepared. Like my friend told me in the beginning. “That is a Lofty Goal My Friend”. Well we have to start someplace if we ever have the hope of reaching a goal so large. We can do a lot of good if we all dedicate a little of our time to helping to spread the word to others in every way we can.
Ham radio to me was just the most logical place for me to be able to share some of the things that I have learned thru the years that may help others. I am not suggesting to you to give a list of what you have or everything you do. If you are concerned about security by coming and talking with us I do understand that and would suggest that you still can come and join us without telling the world what you have. I personally do not have a fear of sharing what I know with others and it is possible that this may come back to bite me some day in the future but I just do not see it being a real concern.
Being a talker and not a writer is why I chose to use ham radio as the instrument of choice for me to help spread the word. I see ham radio as the tool for me to best help the community as a whole. I truly want to see us grow to the point where if we ever loss grid supported form’s of communication we will all be able to keep in touch via the radio. Now is, ham radio the only way this can be done, of course not but it is certainly the most reliable means and the way to cover great distances easily. I do realize that ham radio is not in the cards for some and I fully understand that. It is a rather expensive undertaking if you have no gear to start with. I would recommend that if you have the equipment and the license that you join us now as it will be very hard to do it during an emergency under stressful conditions. I would go on to recommend that if you have the means and the interest you should begin the journey down the road of communications without further delay. Now is the time to get with it and practice your skills and waiting until the need is there will surly make for some very difficult times for you.
The human desire to communicate is one we should all explore a little more. If you like to go to forum boards and or chat rooms then I encourage you to think what it would be like if they stopped without notice today. Would you know where to go to find the information you are accustomed to enjoying now. I see it this way, we all have a need to communicate with each other, it is just part of our nature. This is the reason that I see a great need for this site and the nets we run. With joining in and participating now you will know where and when like minded people will be on the radio and your skills and equipment will be up and working. Why? Because you will have been using this means of communication all along and not waiting until it is the only thing capable of working.
I will share more of some of the plans we are working on and the goals we have in coming days but in the mean time I hope this has helped some understand a little more for now.
73 all
Dave aka Santa
Also please visit this new site
Copyright © 2009
Being a talker and not a writer.
I want to share with you today how this site you are reading came about. If you have not read all of this series please start with part one to understand the entire story.
I have read a lot about being prepared to survive long term over many years of seeking to learn more about all the ways to do that. Since I am a talker not a writer I have never shared a lot with others via the internet. I got very involved with the sharing of information over the internet in February of 2009. The one thing that has always stuck out in my mind over the years is how many times people have tried to join together over the air via radio. It seems to me that no one ever really tried hard enough or for long enough to get people coming to one place to have a reliable form of communication if all of the grid supported forms were not working. The other thing that stuck in my mind is there were just so many different places that people gathered on the internet and shared information that we needed one place to all come and talk.
I talked to a close friend that is like minded and also a ham about this back in the last part of February 2009. I explained what my goal was and the reply that I remember was that is a lofty goal my friend, now let’s see if you can make it happen. Over a period of several months we again talked about it many times and some ideas were born from those talks. Around that time another friend got interested in this idea and we proceeded. As we spread the word a few more people got interested and we moved forward in creating what you see now. If it were not for several people putting in a lot of effort this would have never become what it is today.
The main focus that I have put in here is getting people from every place there is on the internet to come join us here in a joint effort to spread the word of what being a prepper is. I saw it this way, the word prepper is much more likely to attract new people into this by means of it being a much more kind and gentle way of describing what we are. Many people throughout this entire community have other words they use to describe themselves but when it comes right down to it we can all agree that preparing for whatever is the main ingredient to what we all do.
My focus from the very beginning was to see this some day become a word used world wide to attract new people to the idea of being more prepared. Like my friend told me in the beginning. “That is a Lofty Goal My Friend”. Well we have to start someplace if we ever have the hope of reaching a goal so large. We can do a lot of good if we all dedicate a little of our time to helping to spread the word to others in every way we can.
Ham radio to me was just the most logical place for me to be able to share some of the things that I have learned thru the years that may help others. I am not suggesting to you to give a list of what you have or everything you do. If you are concerned about security by coming and talking with us I do understand that and would suggest that you still can come and join us without telling the world what you have. I personally do not have a fear of sharing what I know with others and it is possible that this may come back to bite me some day in the future but I just do not see it being a real concern.
Being a talker and not a writer is why I chose to use ham radio as the instrument of choice for me to help spread the word. I see ham radio as the tool for me to best help the community as a whole. I truly want to see us grow to the point where if we ever loss grid supported form’s of communication we will all be able to keep in touch via the radio. Now is, ham radio the only way this can be done, of course not but it is certainly the most reliable means and the way to cover great distances easily. I do realize that ham radio is not in the cards for some and I fully understand that. It is a rather expensive undertaking if you have no gear to start with. I would recommend that if you have the equipment and the license that you join us now as it will be very hard to do it during an emergency under stressful conditions. I would go on to recommend that if you have the means and the interest you should begin the journey down the road of communications without further delay. Now is the time to get with it and practice your skills and waiting until the need is there will surly make for some very difficult times for you.
The human desire to communicate is one we should all explore a little more. If you like to go to forum boards and or chat rooms then I encourage you to think what it would be like if they stopped without notice today. Would you know where to go to find the information you are accustomed to enjoying now. I see it this way, we all have a need to communicate with each other, it is just part of our nature. This is the reason that I see a great need for this site and the nets we run. With joining in and participating now you will know where and when like minded people will be on the radio and your skills and equipment will be up and working. Why? Because you will have been using this means of communication all along and not waiting until it is the only thing capable of working.
I will share more of some of the plans we are working on and the goals we have in coming days but in the mean time I hope this has helped some understand a little more for now.
73 all
Dave aka Santa
Also please visit this new site
Copyright © 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Life’s Lessons Part 2
Life’s Lessons Part 2
Being a student of the school of life lessons and hard knocks
Know on with the next part of this story. Having attended this school of life lessons and hard knocks for most of my life, I can only say that if I talk about something it is because I have either paid attention to someone who has done it and learned from them, or I have done it myself and learned from that experience. Much of what I have learned over the years has not a thing to do with prepping as most would think. I have certainly taken my fair share of hard knocks along the way and maybe a few others shares as well. I have come away from every experience with a little more knowledge and if nothing else I have learned that some of those things may not be a good thing to do.
I am no different than anyone else reading this in the fact I have done things that were not the smartest thing to do, and I don’t even mind admitting to doing more then my fair share of stupid things. I see this as preparing in the sense that you are better prepared to avoid the things that you have taken a hard knock from and the next time you just may have the sense to avoid that situation altogether.
Moving on to what I feel is the most important thing in life having learned most of what I know thru this type of school. The sharing of information is the most important thing we can do. I am not the only student that attends this school and as far as I know there has never been a graduate from this school. The way that I see it is if we all share what we know with others there will never be a lack of knowledge that can be learned. If we all share the knowledge we have there will always be someone out there that is willing to learn from our mistakes and successes. We must just all be willing to share what we know with others.
I have already mentioned the fact that I am not a writer but I am a talker and that is why this page you are reading was created in the first place. I truly believe it is of the utmost importance to have a form of communication we can depend on nearly 100%. I see it as a very real possibility at any given time for any or all of us to be without grid supported forms of communications.
In the next part of this series I will get into what and how we all could and should be doing to make sure we can all communicate with others in the event grid communications are gone.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
There were lotsa good words tonite on the APRN 160m net!!!

Tonites APRN 160m net topic was Morse Code. When it comes down to it, as Preppers, we need to know CW as it has a lot of low power capabilities to cut through the QRM and other forms of interference. We heard from several operators that have experience in CW and a ton of good ideas for learning CW were passed around.
Tonites Check ins:
N8SFO Phil, WV; New Check in THANKS!!!!
W4DMH Dave, WV
KC8ODH John, OH; New Check in THANKS!!!!
NW8I Del, OH
AC0BG Dean, IA
WA2SQQ Bob, NJ New Check in THANKS!!!!!
We also want to thank W8LMG, KD8IZZ, N8KUK and Phil,N8SFO for moving to allow us to use the frequency to run the net. THANKS GUYS!!!!!!
So once again, we want everybody that checked in to have a safe week and we hope to see you again next week, same time, same frequency!!!!
Some interesting links from tonites net...
AC6V, this site is loaded with resources!!!
The APRN 160m net Is at a loss for words!!!!!!
Tonite, K7DLB Net Control of the 160m Net for the APRN has decided that Morse Code will be the topic. NO the net will NOT be in code, but we just want to know more about who knows code and can use it proficiently. K7DLB is a dyslexic nightmare of an operator and code is not in his operating resume. Yet. So, if you know CW and can help out those that don't know CW methods of learning Code, please join in and help out!!! Please tune in at 0200UTC (9PM) eastern on 1.860!!!!!!!
160 meter net,
American Preppers Radio Net,
Morse Code
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Life's Lessons
Good morning everyone.
I would like to take some time and re-introduce myself to everyone reading here. Then I will get in to some goals that I have and want to share with you today.
First off my Ham radio call sign is W4DMH and my name is David M Hill Sr. I am located in Hampshire County West Virginia. I operate a very small excavating company here with the help of my son. I was born and raised just 3 miles outside of Washington D.C. While young I spent a lot of time going to southern Maryland and enjoying time on the Chesapeake Bay and the Eastern shore of Maryland. I also spent time every summer on my Grand parent’s small farm in upstate New York. As a young man starting a family I landed in southern Maryland first but as the city grew I began my quest for a more rural life. I started my journey in the state of Virginia by moving first to Fauquier County and then on to Loudoun County. I continued my journey by moving North West until landing where I am now in the beautiful Mountain state of West Virginia.
I have been a Heavy Equipment operator for most of my life but have also dabbled in many other fields as well over the years. I have also had a license to drive big trucks most of my adult life. I now have my own heavy equipment and am much like every one else in trying to weather this economic crisis we are currently in. I am a hand’s on type of person and always have been. I enjoy building things myself and have spent a lot of time searching for knowledge on just how things work that we use everyday. I have always done my own repairs on everything in the home and have done my own mechanical work all of my life.
I have spent most of my life hanging around with people much older then myself because I always enjoyed listening and learning from there life experiences. I am a people person and can sit and chat with someone on just about any subject they want to talk about. I have been a firm believer in the rule that the only stupid question is the one that never gets asked. Over the years I have often thought that people must get sick of answering all of my questions. Now that my hair and beard have turned gray and almost white I now realize why the people that I asked questions of all my life never got frustrated with me. You see what I have learned over the last few years is that as we grow older and mature we find a need to share what we have learned over the years with others that are willing to listen.
I am not a college educated person with degrees but I have had a quest for knowledge all of my life. I like to refer to myself as a student even today and not a graduate of any kind. You see I have been going to school in a way all of my life and everyday I still try my best to learn something new. I have heard many people say that they are a graduate of the school of hard knocks but I like to consider myself a student of the school of life lessons and hard knocks. I do not believe my quest for more knowledge will ever stop but I do know that my desire to share the knowledge that I have, has grown in the last year. I am not to be considered an expert on anything at all, but I am more then happy to share with anyone willing to listen to the things that I do know about.
I should warn you that in School my worst two subjects were English and spelling so please bear with me as writing is most definitely not easy for me. If it was not for spell check you may not even be able to read this at all. You see I am a talker not a writer and trust me when I tell you that keyboards and me do not get along at all. This will bring me to why I am writing this piece to share with you all.
Only thru communicating can we help others throughout the world.
Life is too precious and fragile to not share.
This is our family's newest addition and is the first great grand baby. Lillian Marie and she was born at just 22 weeks but you would never know it today. This is the first time that my son and I have taken care of her with no one home but us. Now you see why I say that life is to precious and fragile to not share.

Part 2 coming Monday
Copyright © 2009
I would like to take some time and re-introduce myself to everyone reading here. Then I will get in to some goals that I have and want to share with you today.
First off my Ham radio call sign is W4DMH and my name is David M Hill Sr. I am located in Hampshire County West Virginia. I operate a very small excavating company here with the help of my son. I was born and raised just 3 miles outside of Washington D.C. While young I spent a lot of time going to southern Maryland and enjoying time on the Chesapeake Bay and the Eastern shore of Maryland. I also spent time every summer on my Grand parent’s small farm in upstate New York. As a young man starting a family I landed in southern Maryland first but as the city grew I began my quest for a more rural life. I started my journey in the state of Virginia by moving first to Fauquier County and then on to Loudoun County. I continued my journey by moving North West until landing where I am now in the beautiful Mountain state of West Virginia.
I have been a Heavy Equipment operator for most of my life but have also dabbled in many other fields as well over the years. I have also had a license to drive big trucks most of my adult life. I now have my own heavy equipment and am much like every one else in trying to weather this economic crisis we are currently in. I am a hand’s on type of person and always have been. I enjoy building things myself and have spent a lot of time searching for knowledge on just how things work that we use everyday. I have always done my own repairs on everything in the home and have done my own mechanical work all of my life.
I have spent most of my life hanging around with people much older then myself because I always enjoyed listening and learning from there life experiences. I am a people person and can sit and chat with someone on just about any subject they want to talk about. I have been a firm believer in the rule that the only stupid question is the one that never gets asked. Over the years I have often thought that people must get sick of answering all of my questions. Now that my hair and beard have turned gray and almost white I now realize why the people that I asked questions of all my life never got frustrated with me. You see what I have learned over the last few years is that as we grow older and mature we find a need to share what we have learned over the years with others that are willing to listen.
I am not a college educated person with degrees but I have had a quest for knowledge all of my life. I like to refer to myself as a student even today and not a graduate of any kind. You see I have been going to school in a way all of my life and everyday I still try my best to learn something new. I have heard many people say that they are a graduate of the school of hard knocks but I like to consider myself a student of the school of life lessons and hard knocks. I do not believe my quest for more knowledge will ever stop but I do know that my desire to share the knowledge that I have, has grown in the last year. I am not to be considered an expert on anything at all, but I am more then happy to share with anyone willing to listen to the things that I do know about.
I should warn you that in School my worst two subjects were English and spelling so please bear with me as writing is most definitely not easy for me. If it was not for spell check you may not even be able to read this at all. You see I am a talker not a writer and trust me when I tell you that keyboards and me do not get along at all. This will bring me to why I am writing this piece to share with you all.
Only thru communicating can we help others throughout the world.
Life is too precious and fragile to not share.
This is our family's newest addition and is the first great grand baby. Lillian Marie and she was born at just 22 weeks but you would never know it today. This is the first time that my son and I have taken care of her with no one home but us. Now you see why I say that life is to precious and fragile to not share.

Part 2 coming Monday
Copyright © 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tonite KD8JPQ is the Boss of the APRN 80m net
Tonite, Jeff KD8JPQ grabs the oars and he will row the APRN 80m net out into the murky sea of the 80 meter band. So, please check in and see what he has up his sleeve for tonite's topic!!!!! Remember, we will start out on 3.961LSB at 0200UTC, 9pm eastern, but sometimes it gets a bit rough and we have to move around a bit. But, that is part of the fun!!!!! Hope to hear ya there!!!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Today is Veterans Day.
Please take a couple of minutes and remember our Veterans. They gave so much to defend the Freedom that we all enjoy. Today, if you know a Vet, take him or her out to supper or out for a coffee. Be sure at least to thank them for their service. If you see a soldier out at the mall or the diner, buy their dinner, and say THANKS!!!! These folks deserve our utmost respect!!!!!!
Air Force,
Coast Guard,
Veterans Day
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A well Grounded net for sure!!!!!

Tonites 160m APRN net was really interesting. We discussed how we ground our stations and passed some ideas and opinions along. The subject of grounding is about like antennas, everybody does it different, but the result is the same. Actually, tonite we found that we do about the same thing and it works!!! It is K.I.S.S. simple but effective.
Tonites check ins were
K7DLB Net Control
W4DMH Dave, WV
AC0BG Dean, IA
KB3CXQ Shaun, WV
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The 160 Meter APRN net will be well grounded.
Sunday night the APRN net will be discussing grounding. We will try to discuss just how do we do it???? There are dozens of methods of grounding and let's talk about what works!!!
So please tune in and participate!!!!!
K7DLB will be lighting the fires at 9pm Eastern(0200UTC)on 1.860LSB, so tune in!!!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Fort Hood Texas
As most know by now, there was a mass shooting at Fort Hood Texas Thursday afternoon. We will not get into the opinions or details here. But, please, everyone that reads this, offer up a moment of silence and lift up the victims and their families in Prayer.
These fine folks have put their lives on the line in defense of our Freedom and to have something happen like this is just not right......
These fine folks have put their lives on the line in defense of our Freedom and to have something happen like this is just not right......
The APRN 80 Meter Net was all abuzz!!!!!
That's right, Del NW8I Net control for the APRN 80m net had some sort of line noise that just wiped out his receive. So, Dean AC0BG jumped in and did some great work to salvage the evening. Great job guys and once again that just goes to show how 2 Hams working together can get the job done!!!!!
Tonites check ins were:
Del NW8I, OH
Dean AC0BG, IA
W2IF Scott KY
Thanks to all that checked in and a BIG THANKS to Dean for stepping in!!!!!
Tonites check ins were:
Del NW8I, OH
Dean AC0BG, IA
W2IF Scott KY
Thanks to all that checked in and a BIG THANKS to Dean for stepping in!!!!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The APRN Thursday 80m Net

Starring Del, NW8I lifts off at 0200UTC (9pmEastern)on 3.961 or close to it depending on band conditions.
Tonites topic will be "The modern resurgence of spark gap transmitters".........
Well, not really. But, tune in to find out what Del has up his sleeve for us as he fires up his rig and dims the lights in the neighborhood to guide the APRN through another fun and informative net. Please tune in and participate!!!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The APRN 160m net was an ICOM net!!!!!!!

The discussion tonite was "What radio and equipment are you running?" Most of our participants tonite were running Icom equipment and a variety of antennas. Most were equipped to be able to hook to emergency power if needed and that is good. Anderson PowerPoles came up again and some more information was put out about them. The discussion was lively and we welcomed Mat W2AOJ from NJ to the list of Checkins!!!!
Tonites list included:
K7DLB Dave, MD, Net Control
KB3SJQ Ben, PA a new Checkin. THANKS Ben!!!!
W2AOJ Mat, NJ a new Checkin. THANKS Mat!!!!!
NW8I Del, OH
AC0BG Dean, IA
Once again THANKS!! To all that participated tonite and have a safe week and we'll catch you right back here next Sunday, Same time, Same Frequency!!!!
Tonite's 160m net wants to know.............
Well, you're just going to have to tune in and find out!!!!!!! Nothing like a little SUSPENSE on this day after Halloween.....So, everybody, quit raiding the bags of candy and tune in to 1.860LSB and find out what K7DLB has in store for tonites net.(We promise he won't say BOO and we're trying to get him to keep his mask ON 'cuz it is an improvement....) So, please check out the APRN 160m net tonite at 0200 UTC (9pm EST).
Saturday, October 31, 2009
DON'T FORGET!!!! Turn them clocks back!!!!

That's right!!!It's that time of year again and tonite we turn our clocks back to standard time.
You don't wanna be late for the 160m net tomorrow now do ya???????
Also, now is the time to replace the smoke alarm batteries as well. With my wife's cooking, our smoke alarms get a good workout, but I check them out anyways!!!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
The APRN 80 Meter Net made the CONNECTION!!!!
Thursday night the APRN 80 meter net was plugged in by Del,NW8I and the discussion was lively and interesting!!! The topic was Anderson Power Pole connectors and their many uses and styles. These little connectors have made life alot easier for many Hams as the discussion proved out!!!!
Here is the check in list:
KM4DA-Willie-Lake Forest NC- new checkin
W1LCR-Frank-Goshen, CT new checkin
K0nwt-Newt-Decator,GA new checkin and QRP. Newt had about a 5/5 to 5/6 sig
with 5 watts! Newt is the APRN 1st QRP checkin!!!! Great job Newt and we hope to hear you again soon!!!!!
Many THANKS!! to all the participated in the Net and please be sure to check in every Thursday!!! Remember, the APRN is always looking to put up new nets on different bands and modes, so, please stay tuned!!!!!!
80 meter net.,
Anderson Power Pole,
APRN Thursday Net,
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The APRN 80 Meter Net is CONNECTED!!!!
Tonite at 0100 UTC (9pm Eastern),Del, NW8I will bring the APRN 80 meter net to life on 3.961LSB or somewhere close. The topic tonite will be a discussion about Anderson PowerPole connectors. So if you have any hints suggestions, thoughts, gripes or comparisons please join in the discussion!!!! We hope to hear you there!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The American Preppers Radio Net Mission Statement
The American Preppers Radio Net Mission Statement
Our goal is to use this net to teach people to learn to become more self reliant and less dependent on outside help. We also will focus our efforts on Fellowship among any and all Ham Radio Operators new or old, as well as preppers, which would like to join us. We also want to focus on trying to establish a network of Ham’s everywhere, to aid and assist with communications of like minded people, should any or all of the grid supported communications be down.
What we do not want to happen is for this to become a stuffed shirt unfriendly net like so many. Our whole purpose for creating this net is to help people, to Teach people, and to provide communication assistance. We also welcome people to both the world of Ham radio and of how to become more Prepared in the truest sense of the word. Political debate or discussion will not be welcome, religious debate and discussions should be avoided. Radical view points on any topic will not be welcome. There are plenty of places for that besides the Ham Radio in our opinion.
If you do not have a problem with this than we welcome you, and will help you and encourage you to be a part of this net, in any capacity which you want to participate. We are looking for people to take net control responsibilities, help with relay during the net, or anything else you feel you want to help with. We are open to any suggestions you may have, and we also encourage you to help with test that we may conduct on different bands as well.
We are new and we do want for this to become a place of fellowship and goodwill in the Ham and prepper communities. The concept of this net came about as our net was born on Thursday July 16 2009 and our web page was created on Thursday July 23 2009, just so you know how new this all is.
September 01 2009 we have added a forum board to help with support of the net. This is the place where everyone can come and join us rather they are Ham radio operators or not. As stated above we want all like minded people to join us and learn what they can do to have communications ability without grid support.
If you are still interested in helping please let us know and we will forward a copy of the Net's Preamble to you for you to look over. Please use the Santa's Mailbag button on the right side of the page to email use.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
We now have our own APRN store up and running!! There are a variety of images and items available and more are being added!!!!
If you are interested in a particular item, click on that item and you will see a box that says "customize it". There you can choose different background colors and font designs to suite your tastes. So, go on in the store and choose from many items and logo designs and have some fun!!!!!
Also, we are offering custom Call Sign, CB Handle or name mousepads set in the design similar to the APRN Eagle logo. You will see how it will look with an example in the store using Dave's W4DMH call sign. A great gift idea for the Holidays or Birthday!!!!! There is a 3-7 character limit.
So, click on the store logo on the right sidebar and support the APRN and get a kool item as well!!!!! If you need any help, email me at
The APRN 160m Net rides again!!!!
Tonite Jeff KD8JPQ Took the reigns of the APRN 160 meter net and drove it like a pro!!! He had 5 check ins and they talked about a variety of subjects. Once again the APRN and K7DLB thanks Jeff for stepping in and doing a fine job!!!!!
Tonites Check ins:
N8TAH Kevin,OH
Saturday, October 24, 2009
SUNDAY!!! SUNDAY!!!! The APRN 160m Net is set!!!
Once again this Sunday the APRN 160 net is prepared for take off on 1.860LSB at 0100UTC (9pm eastern).
This week Jeff, KD8JPQ is running the show and the topic will be "What were your WORST prep ideas?". Now that outta be interesting!!!! Remember, we've all bumped into a wall where we thought there was a door now and then, so let's all be honest and fess up!!!!!
We hope to hear you on Sunday night!!!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009

Somehow things got crossed up and Del,NW8I, a regular here on the APRN salvaged the Thursday Night APRN 80 Meter Net. THANKS DEL!!!!!
He reports a short net but The discussion centered around Webbots, Amp Repair and Antennas.
Besides Del, there was Walt, WA1HHN, and Dean AC0BG checking in.
We are working on getting some bugs worked out of the net schedules so PLEASE stay tuned for more information!!!!!

Today is the APRN's 3rd(month) birthday!!!!! This project was started July 23rd 2009. Geez, it seems like yesterday.......
Well after 12,000 hits and some growing pains the future looks bright here. There is alot planned for the APRN and things may seem a bit slow now, but WATCH OUT!!!! Stay tuned.
Thanks to all that support the APRN by running one of our nets, giving us ideas and checking into our nets on a regular basis. WE APPRECIATE IT!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This is one of the better videos on Backpacking Ham Radio!!!
These Hams did a really good job of documenting their trip. Take a look!!!!!
Rats... The Band was short tonite!!!!!

The American Preppers Radio Net 160 Meter net was fighting noise and just generally bad conditions tonite. We had a short talk about what we do to keep mice out of our preps as this is the time of year that they start to come inside. This weeks check ins were
N8BIT Dave, MI
VE3BY Carl Ontario, Canada. Carl,you didn't get on the map. Google put you over in the Horn of Africa!!! THANKS for checking in!!!
Next week, K7DLB will be taking a break, so Jeff KD8JPQ will be minding the store. So, lets all give him writers cramp and check into the net!!!!!!
Have a Safe week!!!!!
160 meter net,
American Preppers Radio Net,
Saturday, October 17, 2009
To everyone,
Yes even the SWL (please leave email here if you do copy us on 40m)
Not much notice but lets try a quickie informal SSB voice net this afternoon on 40 meters.
TIME - 3 PM Eastern
FREQ - 7.198 LSB
alt1 - 7.195 LSB
alt2 - 7.201 LSB
alt3 - 7.180 LSB
I have been thinking we might get better coverage by trying "daytime" on 40m vs the evening or 'grey line' propagation.
I will run Net Logger. Hope you can join in.
Larry kb0emb
Through rain, snow and the dark of night.....The 160m net takes off Sunday Night!!!!
Yup, time flies when your havin fun and K7DLB is once again preparing for the APRN 160m net on Sunday night at 0100 UTC (9pm Eastern). This weeks topic will be dangers to your preps. We will talk about Rats, Mice, bugs and other things that can ruin your day if they get into your food storage.
So, come one, come all and join in the discussion on 1.860 LSB!!!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tuesday Night APRN net

The American Preppers Radio Net takes to the air tonight at 2359Z (UTC)
Lee K4USS has informed us that the net tonight will be on the 80 meter band at 3.961 for the first part of the net. Lee has been very busy installing new antennas for the 40 meter band and will move the net to the 40 meter band immediately after closing the 80 meter net. The 40 meter move will go to 7.198 as soon as we wrap up the 80 meter net.
A lot of people liked the 40 meter net but it has been very unkind to us recently so with a little luck and some people to make the move just maybe we can get that band to work for us again. Everyone that can do 40 meter please come join the net tonight and help us out with this test run to see if all the antenna work Lee has done pays off.
The topic for tonight will be How to Survive an Economic Meltdown.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Short List!!!! GREAT Conversation!!!!!!!

The APRN 160 meter net went off as scheduled tonite and the check in list was short but we were long on the conversation!!!! We had an open mike night with a topic kicker about water pumps. Here is a website with a TON of info that EVERYBODY should check out!!!!
Tonites check in list:
W4DMH Dave, WV
NW8I Del, OH
AC0BG Dean, IA
KD8JPQ Jeff, OH.
K7DLB Dave, MD Net Control.
So, thanks to all that participated and we hope you have a safe week and we'll catch ya next week, same time, same frequency!!!!
PS. K7DLB will need a substitute Net Control operator for the 160m net Sunday Oct 25. Please click the Email button and let us know if you can help!!! It's not hard. Heck, if K7DLB can do it......ANYBODY CAN!!!!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
WOW!!!! It's almost that time again!!!!
Yup, here it is the weekend again and K7DLB is outside staring at his 160 meter wire making sure it is ready for another go at the APRN 160 meter net at 0100 UTC(9pm)eastern) on Sunday night. His neighbors think he is a bit nuts because his yard looks like a landing zone for UFO's with all of the antennas out there!!!!
The topic will be an open mic format with a short(or long) continuation of last weeks water storage topic.
So, come one come all and join in the discussion!!! Bring your thinking caps and comments and questions.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday night 10-08-09 on 80 meter
The Thursday night net was another fine one. The net started on the alternate frequency of 3.983 but soon moved back to it's home of 3.961. It seems there is a group of hams that have recently moved from another frequency to 3.960 so just before the net started we moved to the alt. frequency.
Well shortly into the net 3.983 became the place everyone wanted to be..... Welcome to the wonderful 80 meter band. AC0BG looked for another freq. and we soon moved back to what seems to be our home.3.961
After the move the signals were much better at first but soon begain to go up and down.
All in All we had a great net tonight....The first topic was actually the announcement of plans that are still in the infant stages of developing......The APRN has been looking into doing a DXpedition to Cape Brenton Island in Canada.... More on this later as plans develop......
Next we did a open mic round tonight like last week as everyone really seemed to like that..........
In the end as always the dedicated members that make up the APRN stuck to there guns (or mics) and managed to get in several rounds of comments before the net was closed and the freq. returned to regular amateur use.
W4DMH...... Dave.......WV.......Net Control
WA1HHN ......Walt.......MA
KD8HDP...... Justin.......MI
Thursday Night 80 Meter Net
The 80 Meter net is on for tonight so come join in at 0100Z (UTC) at 3.961 or 3.983
There will be an announcement tonight about something that may interest people so we will go for a round of comments and see what others think.
The second round for comments will again be a OPEN MIC round like last week. Get your notes out and go over them and see if there is anything we have talked about that you would like to ask questions of other members or just comment with something you have learned on that topic.
Hope to see you on the air tonight once again remember to tell a friend and come join the fun.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Tuesday Night APRN Net
The Tuesday night APRN net takes to the air again on it's new 80 Meter location at 3.961 with alt 3.983 at 2359Z (UTC)
Please come join Lee K4USS as he surfaces once again in time to take to the air.
Lee has not disclosed the topic for the net yet so you may have to just come join the us to find out.
The Tuesday night net has gone thru some real growing pains lately but worked very well on the 80 Meter band last week. Everyone please spread the word to everywhere you can so we can get as many as we can to join in the fun.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The APRN 160m Net was a real "SPLASH"!!!!

The topic tonite was water storage and the group really jumped in and we had a super discussion!!! There were lots of ideas and everybody was getting writers cramp with the amount of info and ideas that came up during the net. Hopefully we can continue this topic as research gets done because everybody realizes that water is probably the most important resource for us to survive. Thanks for a GREAT discussion and we'll see you all next week same time, same frequency!!!!
Check in list:
W4DMH Dave, WV
AC0BG Dean, IA. Dean had a great signal tonite and lots of good info!!!!
AC8EM Mike, OH
NW8I Del, OH
KJ4LY Charles, GA Charles is a newcomer to the net. THANKS!! And we hope to hear from you again!!!
KB0EMB Larry, MO
Once again 73's to all that participated
K7DLB Net Control
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Hear Ye Hear Ye!!!!! The 160 net will be all wet!!!!
Tacky isn't it!!!! K7DLB net control for the APRN 160m net is wringing his hands and wringing his brain to get ready for Sunday nites APRN 160m net. This week we will start to talk a bit about water storage. Hopefully net control won't be all wet. So, think about the topic and be sure to check in on Sunday nite a 0100UTC(9pm eastern) on 1.860LSB.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Living off grid
This is not a new video but I wanted to put this up because this has become a very talked about subject during the nets. Hope everyone enjoys this.
Now for you DIY type this will at least give some ideas of what can be done.
Part two
Yet another system to consider
Now for you DIY type this will at least give some ideas of what can be done.
Part two
Yet another system to consider
Thursday, October 1, 2009
80 meter net report 1- 1 - 09
The 80 Meter net for 10-1-09 once again has gone above and beyond all I every thought would happen with this net. We started with the topic of how do you think we could improve the nets and websites. Some had very good suggestions that we will need to work on but most thought we were doing fine.
For the second round of comments the topic became what I referred to as OPEN MIC NIGHT. I was not sure how this would work out when I put up the net announcement but wanted to try it anyway. What I wanted to do with this is give everyone that makes this net possible a chance to talk on the subject they wanted to know more about. I have to admit this was initially because some topics seem to get very little attention . It is very hard to come up with 3 or more topics every week that are of intrest to everyone.
Well let me tell you this turned out to be the most lively net I have done to date. The topics were from A to Z and there were people that joined in and shared information willingly beyond my wildest dreams. I want to Thank everyone that took part in this net and was so willing to contribute. Without all of the great participation form all this net would truly not be possible. The 80 Meter net rocks once again.
73 to all
W4DMH....Dave....WV....Net Control
Thank you all
Thursday Night 80 Meter Net
Santa is back tonight fir the APRN Thursday night net.
Everyone please come join in the fun tonight.
The place is 3.961 on your radio dial.
We will use 3.983 as the alternate.
The time will be 0100 Z (UTC)
Tonight the first topic for the net will be, How Do You Think We Can Improve The Net. After discussion on this we will have a round of OPEN MIC when everyone will have a chance to ask any questions or bring up any topic they have had fun with before. Everyone please give this some thought and feel free to bring up whatever you want. We have had some topics in the past that continue to be very popular so feel free to bring any of them up again tonight. Everyone please come join and remember to tell a friend to come join the fun.
Everyone please come join in the fun tonight.
The place is 3.961 on your radio dial.
We will use 3.983 as the alternate.
The time will be 0100 Z (UTC)
Tonight the first topic for the net will be, How Do You Think We Can Improve The Net. After discussion on this we will have a round of OPEN MIC when everyone will have a chance to ask any questions or bring up any topic they have had fun with before. Everyone please give this some thought and feel free to bring up whatever you want. We have had some topics in the past that continue to be very popular so feel free to bring any of them up again tonight. Everyone please come join and remember to tell a friend to come join the fun.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
40 Meter net turns 80 Meter net out of necessity.
The Tuesday Night 40 Meter net turns 80 Meter net out of necessity on the fly. Lee K4USS took to the air on 40 meters at 2359 Z on Tuesday night for the APRN 40 Meter net. Well folks if you were not there you missed it as Lee took the 40 meter net and multiplied it by 2 and we ended up on 80 meter. Lee has tried very hard to get the ripples work out for the 40 meter net but they just keep coming back even stronger. With several weeks of giving it his all on 40 it was the straw that broke the camels back as once again 40 meter shut the net net down in record time.
The net was quickly moved to 80 meter at 3.983 and the net came back to life there. Those that were watching on Netlogger (which by the way is a free download on the left sidebar of this page) saw the change in the almost instant messenger window and knew exactly where to go.
To all our regulars that missed us please note that the Tuesday night net will now be at 2359 Z (UTC) on 3.961 or as a alternate 3.983 so make a note and please do come and join us at the new location next week.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
40 Meter net with Lee K4USS
The American Preppers Radio Net 40 meter version will come to life again tonight at 2359Z (UTC) as Lee K4USS once again takes to the air. Folks the 40 meter band has been ruff and tuff for us so don't be surprised if Lee lets us know something new for the Tuesday night net. Rumor has it that there may be some changes in the works by Lee. So everyone please come and join in on the fun and keep your ear to the speaker for any clues as to what may be happening on Tuesday nights for the future.
Net controls for the APRN are free to do what ever they want to do with the net on there night. (almost anyway) I have been told by a reliable source that Lee has some top secret plans for his night on the air and it is possible we may be clued in on what they are tonight. I sure hope his plans don't include going underwater for the net. Keep in mind he did spend time on subs during his Navy days.
Come one come all and please do tell a friend to come join in
Net controls for the APRN are free to do what ever they want to do with the net on there night. (almost anyway) I have been told by a reliable source that Lee has some top secret plans for his night on the air and it is possible we may be clued in on what they are tonight. I sure hope his plans don't include going underwater for the net. Keep in mind he did spend time on subs during his Navy days.
Come one come all and please do tell a friend to come join in
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Noise Really "Dried us out"!!!!!

The APRN 160m net topic tonite was "Dehydrating Foods Basics" and lets just say the band was really overboard with noise tonite!!! In spite of the noise we had a thought provoking discussion and we all have some new things to consider and try out.
Tonites Check Ins were:
W4DMH Dave, WV
Kd8JPQ Jeff, OH
NW8I Del, OH
AC0BG Dean, IA
AC8EM, Mike, OH
K0CKD Dennis, SC
K7DLB Dave, MD Net Control.
Once again THANKS!!!! to all that checked in and have a safe week!!!See you Same time, Same Frequency!!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Many thanks to Del, NW8I for jumping in and running the 80 meter net on Thursday nite!!!! He ran the net like a pro and had a real good discussion going. There really was no topic but it was kind of a review of some of the discussions from nets past. MANY THANKS DEL!!!!!
Please remember, it is not hard to run a net. We do need some alternate Net Control Stations to run any one of our nets. Please consider it and let either Dave W4DMH or Dave K7DLB know if you can help!!!!!
Email from Del;
Hi Dave,
I saw that the 80 mtr net was canceled for tonight. I thought maybe their might be a few guys that hadn't gotten the word or were just giving a listen anyway. About 0105 Z I asked if anyone wanted to check in and believe it or not their were several.
kb4msu Robert Eaton, OH - 1st time checkin
ki4hee Bob SC
n8tah Keven near E. Wheeling, WVA
kd8jpq Jeff
kd8kwd John
kb8jnz Steve Indiana, PA
I announced the official net had been cancelled so we just had an unofficial net.
I couldn't remember what the topic of discussion was supposed to be so we talked a little food storage and a lot of emergency power. The guys had some really good input on novel ways of providing power and different combination's of doing it.
I closed the net down at 0205Z but a couple of the guys talked a little longer.
Its hard to remember who said what but one suggestion was using a weedeater to run a 125 amp alternator which seemed to work very well. Another suggestion was to burn wood in such a way as to produce fuel to fed to a carburetor to run a generator and the guys discussed using steam generators as well. For an off the cuff net it went pretty well.
The band conditions were pretty good for about an hour then the QRM and QRN picked up right at the end.
Dave there is a lot of interest in the topics the nets been discussing. Most everyone is better prepared than myself but they have great info to share.
Del - nw8i
This just goes to show what I have said all along, The people involved in Ham radio are more than willing to jump in and get involved and help. Thanks a bunch Del.
Please remember, it is not hard to run a net. We do need some alternate Net Control Stations to run any one of our nets. Please consider it and let either Dave W4DMH or Dave K7DLB know if you can help!!!!!
Email from Del;
Hi Dave,
I saw that the 80 mtr net was canceled for tonight. I thought maybe their might be a few guys that hadn't gotten the word or were just giving a listen anyway. About 0105 Z I asked if anyone wanted to check in and believe it or not their were several.
kb4msu Robert Eaton, OH - 1st time checkin
ki4hee Bob SC
n8tah Keven near E. Wheeling, WVA
kd8jpq Jeff
kd8kwd John
kb8jnz Steve Indiana, PA
I announced the official net had been cancelled so we just had an unofficial net.
I couldn't remember what the topic of discussion was supposed to be so we talked a little food storage and a lot of emergency power. The guys had some really good input on novel ways of providing power and different combination's of doing it.
I closed the net down at 0205Z but a couple of the guys talked a little longer.
Its hard to remember who said what but one suggestion was using a weedeater to run a 125 amp alternator which seemed to work very well. Another suggestion was to burn wood in such a way as to produce fuel to fed to a carburetor to run a generator and the guys discussed using steam generators as well. For an off the cuff net it went pretty well.
The band conditions were pretty good for about an hour then the QRM and QRN picked up right at the end.
Dave there is a lot of interest in the topics the nets been discussing. Most everyone is better prepared than myself but they have great info to share.
Del - nw8i
This just goes to show what I have said all along, The people involved in Ham radio are more than willing to jump in and get involved and help. Thanks a bunch Del.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
80 Meter net for 9-24-09

I hate to do this but the 80 meter net for tonight is canceled. I will be back next week so please do come back and join us. The net had to be sacrificed due to a paying job tonight that will interfere with the time the net is done. I hope everyone understands this and comes and joins us next week same time same place as usual.
Let me remind everyone we are looking for Operators to do Net Control for this very reason.
73 All
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
40 meter net with K4USS as net control

Please come join the 40 meter net tonight. Remember it is now in the new time slot of 2359Z (UTC). Lee K4USS is back in the saddle and ready to ride the airwaves again. Lee has been busy installing a new antenna so help him give it a workout tonight and come join in on the topic for tonight's net. Lee has never got the topic of alternative heating systems on the air so look for that to be the topic for tonight's net. I truly hope the band will be much better tonight with the new time slot. Come one and all and bring a friend. Thank you all for the prayers last week for Lee's speedy recovery from surgery.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Food, Spam and canning!!!!! The 160m net made us HUNGRY!!!!

Once again the discussion was lively on tonite's subject, "Food Storage and Methods". We discussed canning, shelving, Spam, and touched on dehydration tonite. Everybody had some real good points and I'm sure we all learned something new!!!
Tonites check ins were:
W4DMH Dave, West Virginia, Net Logger and BNC
WA1HHN Walt, Massachuesetts
NW8I Del, Ohio
KD8JPQ Jeff, Ohio
N8NMJ Mike, Maryland
KB1JQA Phil, Connecticut
The list was small but the conversation was great!!! Thanks to all that participated on the net as well as on NetLogger!!!
We will look for everybody next week, same time same frequency!!!!!
73's and have a safe week!!!!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Let's stay on top of the TOP BAND NET!!!!!!

K7DLB, Net Control for the 160m APRN Net has sent up smoke signals announcing that the topic for Sundays Net is going to be,"What foods are best for long term storage". This will be the first in a series of "Basic Prepping, Getting started discussions" Actually, the smoke signals were coming from his brain as he was trying to think of a subject!!!!!!
So please check in at 9PM Eastern on 1.860LSB and participate in the discussion!!! Who knows, you may just learn something or maybe you have some good information to share!!!!!!
160 meter net,
American Preppers Radio Net,
Top Band Net
Thursday, September 17, 2009
80 Meter net results for 9-17-09

Another great net tonight. They just keep getting better every week as we grow. The topic tonight was Gardening and trust me folks every one had something to add to the discussion. We had a variety ranging from a 130 acre working farm to people doing Square foot gardening due to space limitations.
We have set a new distance record for the 80 meter net tonight with a check in from Iowa to here in West Virginia. By the map it sure does look like roughly half way across the country to me. As winter approaches look for us to reach even greater distances on a regular basis.
Thank you all that take part in this net, because without you it would not be possible. The 80 meter net proves again to be a winner.
73 to all
Check in list
W4DMH ... WV ... Dave... Net Control
N8BIT/P... MI... Dave
N8TAH ... OH ... Kevin (using his roof for his antenna)
W4SQL ... SC ... Landy
KD4OWY ... AL... Nathan
AC8EM ... OH ... Mike
KD8KWD ... WV ... John
AI4JA ... SC... Gary
AC0BG ... IA... Dean (A distance record for the 80 meter net)
KD8HDP ... MI... Justin
There you it have as we put the wraps on another one.
80 meter net comes to life again tonight

Once again Santa will take to the air on the 80 meter net. Everyone please come join the fun and bring a friend.
The topic for tonight will be Gardening and how do you see this fitting into your long term plans.
Hope everyone gives this some thought before time for the net. See you tonight on the 80 meter net on or near 3.961 at 0100Z (UTC)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Digital Net Update!!!

Larry, KB0EMB,AKA Ozark Hiker, one of our Digital Gurus, is planning to try a bunch of new nets on various days and times. He will post them up over on the Forum so please click on the sidebar link to the Forum and get in to the Digital Modes thread to keep up to date for frequency and times!!!!!
digital mode,
Digital Net,
emergency power,
Ham Radio,
40 meter net report for 9-15-09

Here ya go folks....The 40 meter net Tuesday night was a little different than our normal nets...Lee K4USS was not able to run the net do to surgery Tuesday morning so all please pray for his speedy recovery and return....The night started as Dave W4DMH called to see if anyone was on frequency...Well with the ability to receive in the Mountains of West Virginia once again very hampered WA1HHN one of the nets regular check-ins jumped in and was able to copy and spread the word for W4DMH that he had zero receive....Walt WA1HHN jumped to the rescue with no copy of the preamble and saved the day for those waiting for the net....He copied 4 stations on frequency for the net and talked with them and explained the problem....Our hat is off to you Walt for saving the day at the very last second literally... Ahhh the joys of Ham radio and the wonderful people involved in it, always willing to help any way they can....The map is not a true representation of the net with the lines but it adds Me to any map I make automatically so imagine all the lines starting at WA1HHN instead...If my list is correct it looks like we had 2 new check-ins K4GMI and KM4DA so we hope they will come back again and We Welcome them to the APRN...
Net report from WA1HHN
WA1HHN MA Walt Fill In Net Control
KM4DA NC Willy
KB 0EMB MO Larry
Thank you all for checking in under some really tough conditions and a special thanks to Walt WA1HHN for his rescue of the net.
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