Thursday, October 1, 2009

80 meter net report 1- 1 - 09

 The 80 Meter net for 10-1-09 once again has gone above and beyond all I every thought would happen with this net. We started with the topic of how do you think we could improve the nets and websites. Some had very good suggestions that we will need to work on but most thought we were doing fine.

For the second round of comments the topic became what I referred to as OPEN MIC NIGHT. I was not sure how this would work out when I put up the net announcement but wanted to try it anyway. What I wanted to do with this is give everyone that makes this net possible a chance to talk on the subject they wanted to know more about. I have to admit this was initially because some topics seem to get very little attention . It is very hard to come up with 3 or more topics every week that are of intrest to everyone.

Well let me tell you this turned out to be the most lively net I have done to date. The topics were from A to Z and there were people that joined in and shared information willingly beyond my wildest dreams. I want to Thank everyone that took part in this net and was so willing to contribute. Without all of the great participation form all this net would truly not be possible. The 80 Meter net rocks once again.
73 to all

W4DMH....Dave....WV....Net Control








Thank you all

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