The discussion tonite was "What radio and equipment are you running?" Most of our participants tonite were running Icom equipment and a variety of antennas. Most were equipped to be able to hook to emergency power if needed and that is good. Anderson PowerPoles came up again and some more information was put out about them. The discussion was lively and we welcomed Mat W2AOJ from NJ to the list of Checkins!!!!
Tonites list included:
K7DLB Dave, MD, Net Control
KB3SJQ Ben, PA a new Checkin. THANKS Ben!!!!
W2AOJ Mat, NJ a new Checkin. THANKS Mat!!!!!
NW8I Del, OH
AC0BG Dean, IA
Once again THANKS!! To all that participated tonite and have a safe week and we'll catch you right back here next Sunday, Same time, Same Frequency!!!!
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