The 160m band was wiggling all over the place tonite but we managed to squeeze another good net with some great discussion about battery power. Here are the links for some further reading and research. For the link on solar power, click here. For the link on wire sizing, click here.
Please check out the homepages for both of these sites!!!!!
Tonites check ins:
K7DLB Dave, Maryland, Net control
W4DMH Dave, West Virginia, Net Logger, Backup NC
AC0BG Dean, Iowa
W2GZB Dan, New Jersey
WA1HHN Walt, Massachusetts
KD8JPQ Jeff, Ohio
K4USS Lee, Virginia
N8XKJ Layton, Ohio
N8BIT Dave, Michigan
Don't forget to sign up over on the Forum!!!! also, E-mail or post up topics for next weeks net!!!!!
Thanks to all that checked in and have a safe week!!!
Great net Sunday night and 160 meter sure has taken off and become very popular hasn't it.