Tonights net started out noisy but ended with signals coming in clear & strong. A lot to be said for persistance, it was a matter of keeping the net moving, calling for check-ins and working everyone who checked in.
There's starting to become a handful of regular stations like Bill KB1LUK, or Stuart KG4LMW in Knoxville on his front porch running 25 watts, who are checking in weekly. Great to see these stations working hard to get the net established. And it's always exciting to welcome a newcomer to the net, like Jim K4PV, with his wonderful sounding signal on his Flex Radio and powerful Delta Amp over there in the Florida Panhandle. Jim found this blog from our referrence to it during the net, as well as learned about the American Preppers Network, you can tell from his comments, he'll be checking in again.
While it was noisy...the net mined out pure gold...
Oh, now that HAM shack Logo store is Way cool, I love the T-shirt design