Well the 20 meter net tonight was anything but normal… Tonight’s net was a testament to the fact, no one ever knows what will happen on ham radio… We kicked off the night with a little pre-net rag chew… The band seemed promising right up till 10 minutes before net time… As luck would have it the band fell apart quick as lightening… After many calls for check-ins and nothing but noise… W4DMH (Santa) and KI4HEE (Bob) decided to wing it on 80 Meter… The net QSY’d to 3.961 and continued on… The Netlogger program was running over the internet and the new location was listed there…We had a first time check-in to the net on 80 meter asking what it was all about…With the change in the time it gets dark the decision has been made to move the Thursday night net to the 80 Meter band…There have been many request to do 80 meter so everyone here is your chance to come join us next Thursday night on or near 3.961…
W4DMH WV Dave (aka Santa) Net Control
KI4HEE SC Bob (aka Hawk)
AB4JM/M NH Jim (Motor Home Mobile)
W3ERE PA Ed (First time check-in) Welcome Ed with the question whats a prepper???
So there ya have it folks not many, but a very interesting mix, with one new visit and that is what it is all about.
73 All
the APRN is doing an awesome job of spreading the Prepper word - thanks guys!